
integrated pest control معنى

  • مكافحة متكاملة
  • integrated    adj. مندمج, موحد, ...
  • pest    n. مضجر, شخص مضايق ...
  • pest control    n. مكافحة الحشرات
  • control    n. مراقبة, سيطرة, ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. integrated package of services معنى
  2. integrated peacebuilding strategy معنى
  3. integrated pension administration system معنى
  4. integrated personnel and payroll system معنى
  5. integrated pest and plant nutrition management معنى
  6. integrated pest management معنى
  7. integrated plan for 1982-1986 معنى
  8. integrated plan of action on human resources development معنى
  9. integrated plan of action on human resources development for the escap region معنى
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